Practices and Challenges: Digital Literacy Games in Youth and Adult Education


  • Evandro Carlos Silva Magalhães


Alfabetização, Jogos digitais de Educação, Educação de Jovens e Adultos


The current reality presents, as a growing trend, the presence of technology and digital platforms both in society and in the school environment. In this sense, the use of Information and Communications Technologies in the Education of Youth and Adults can be used in different ways: as a research tool; deepen and complement the learning process as well as develop the literacy process of the students, in this case, one of the strategies being the application of digital literacy games. From the elaboration of the problem question, the objective of this research was developed, which is to "analyze, from the perspective of teachers, pedagogical assistants and coordinators of educational services, the possibilities of using digital literacy games that can satisfy pedagogical needs and educational. .the specificities of Youth and Adult Education in the schools of Santo André (SP) from March to June 2021”


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How to Cite

Silva Magalhães, E. C. (2023). Practices and Challenges: Digital Literacy Games in Youth and Adult Education. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from