Contributions of Waldorf Education in the Choice of Academic Training


  • Márcia Junkes


Pedagogía Waldorf, Formação acadêmica, Antroposofia


Waldorf Pedagogy was created in 1919, in Germany, by the philosopher and educator Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). It is known worldwide for having its bases in Anthroposophy, this philosophy is the foundation of the educational process and serves as a theoretical basis for teachers, therefore, it is the foundation of this educational conception and is present at different times in classes and practices. schoolchildren. . In Brazil there are currently two hundred Waldorf schools authorized to operate, five of which are in Santa Catarina. Waldorf Pedagogy proposes to bring together a life of feelings (emotions, aesthetics and social sensitivity), willpower (the ability to do things) and moral nature (being transparent about good and evil). Students are educated to overcome the material world through developing and understanding their spiritual being. In this sense, research becomes relevant because it addresses a method of knowing the human being, nature and the universe that goes beyond the knowledge obtained through the conventional scientific method.


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How to Cite

Junkes, M. (2023). Contributions of Waldorf Education in the Choice of Academic Training. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from