Design Thinking as an Enrichment Model Prior to the Identification of High Abilities/Giftedness


  • Romina Gissell Rossello Mercadante


Altas Habilidades, Superdotación, Enriquecimiento, Diseño


This work seeks to show and publicize the importance of investigating the best possible context to carry out enrichment models prior to the identification of children with High Abilities/Giftedness. Taking into account the diversity of students in our country's classrooms, it is considered essential that specialists see in action the different traits that enable a process of identifying these behaviors. One method that shows several of the key attitudes that occur in a high-ability child is design thinking. This consists of the creation of a final product that is carried out during different stages with teacher guidance. In each of them you can observe not only learning performance, but also attitudes and behaviors with respect to yourself, your peers and the world around you.


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How to Cite

Rossello Mercadante, R. G. (2023). Design Thinking as an Enrichment Model Prior to the Identification of High Abilities/Giftedness. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from