O espaço da educação nas redes sociais em tempos de isolamento social e a formação das Comunidades de Prática



  • Alexsandro dos Santos Machado, Pós-doutorado Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Renata Fevereiro Berenguer, Mag Universidad de la Empresa




redes sociais, ensino público e privado, comunidades de prática.


This article aims to problematize the distance between public and private education over the years in Brazil and think about how to minimize the already expected impact on education during the entire period of social isolation in 2020 due to Quarantine. Therefore, the aim is to analyze qualitatively and in an exploratory manner, the potential of the use of social networks and TDIC in education during the period and, above all, the hypothesis that, based on experiences, the use of these resources can change size in view of pedagogical innovations to improve educational conditions, especially with public schools. It is observed that social networks can serve not only as a means of communication between the various actors of the school and the family, but also as a study platform and a main tool accessible to the majority of the community in this time of emergency, even enabling the formation of communities of practice (COPS)


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How to Cite

dos Santos Machado, A., & Fevereiro Berenguer, R. (2020). O espaço da educação nas redes sociais em tempos de isolamento social e a formação das Comunidades de Prática: english. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 8(1), 76–94. https://doi.org/10.48163/rseus.2020.8194-112