About How to Lock a High Able/Gifted Person Into a Box of Matches


  • Susana Graciela Perez Barrera Universidad de la Empresa




High Ability/Giftedness, confusions, disorders/diseases, disabiliy


This article arises from the reading of another one. Its objective is, under my opinion, to expose the errors that are committed, often due to a lack of depth, others due to a clinical tradition that is no longer sustained, others simply because of a certain corporativism that ends up trampling on a professional sector that is already too discriminated and devalued – that of Education, which is the one which has to learn to look at this huge population of about 10% in any country, province, city or school as a group of human beings who need to have the opportunity to develop their potential. Therefore, I present a brief overview of the historical evolution of the psychometric tests, and their relationship with the concepts of intelligence, then moving on to present a definition of High Abilities/Giftedness (HA/GT) which is the one I consider most appropriate and guides me. Then after, I discuss the interpretations of HA/GT as a disease or disorder, which unfortunately are trying to be adopted as a result of ideas originated in the health field, and finally the intended and dangerous attempt of classify them as, let’s say, a “positive disability”, before weaving some final considerations arising from these reflections.


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How to Cite

Perez Barrera, S. G. (2023). About How to Lock a High Able/Gifted Person Into a Box of Matches. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(1), 82–99. https://doi.org/10.48163/rseus.2023.11182-99


